The benefits of sun safe swimwear

The benefits of sun safe swimwear

Published by Fernleigh Avenue on 31st May 2023

The benefits of Sun Safe Swimwear

At Fernleigh Avenue we prioritise your child’s protection with our sun safe swimwear from the harmful effects of the sun’s ultraviolet (UV) Rays. All our girls swimwear is made from fabric with a UPF 50+ (Ultraviolet Protection Factor) rating. We offer many long sleeve swimsuit deigns that offer added sun protection.

Why choose sun safe swimwear for your children?

Upf 50 swimwear is designed to provide effective sun protection for your child’s delicate skin. Sun safe swimwear offers a high level of UV protection by blocking out a significant portion of the suns rays. The higher the UPF rating the greater level of protection.

Upf 50 swimwear helps to minimise the risk of sunburn. Sun safe swimwear is especially important for children with sensitive skin that is more susceptible to burning. The fabric acts as a barrier and reduces direct exposure to harmful UV radiation. Long sleeve swimsuits offer added protection by decreasing the skin exposed to the elements.

Unlike sunscreen that needs to be reapplied regularly, upf 50 swimwear provides constant sun protection throughout its lifespan. It does not wash off or diminish over time, ensuring continuous sun protection for extended periods.

Fernleigh Avenue girls swimwear contains a double layer of fabric in the bodies and long sleeve swimsuits. This means that you child will get even more protection from the sun’s harmful rays..

It is important to note that while our sun safe swimwear offers significant sun protections additional sun-safe practices should be followed, such as wearing a wide brimmed hat, sunglasses and applying sunscreen to exposed areas of skin. Combining multiple sun protection methods provides the best protection.